Beautiful Endings... and New Beginnings

IMG_5668 FullSizeRender The mountain air is sweet from blooms and the passing of cleansing rains. Daffodils colorfully rise from winters rest, beckoning a new season and cheerfully heralding warmth to come. We chase spring as we close the school year, from city to city, our path follows the awakening of Earth’s glory and reminds us of the possibility of all things new. As one season leaves us, so a new one begins. And so it goes, the poetry of this walk and the closing of another school year. We end in Colorado, a first in 8 years, so that we can join Debbie Bolon-Fenney in her retirement celebration and closing of 30 years of teaching. THIRTY YEARS! We have had the good fortune to work with her for the last 7 years, nearly the final quarter of her teaching career. Here is a link to many of the connections over those years with 4 different schools in Ghana. It is bitter sweet, as we open our final circle for this school year, and the final one with Deb as the veteran Art Teacher at Red Sandstone Elementary School.

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Our partnership history covers the walls near her desk with photos of Ghanaian classes she has connected with over the years, her own students with what they created, as well as the doorway in the room. Next to a grouping of photos is a quote, when you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny; we are so grateful that part of our destiny has been shared, and future possibilities of having you on the ground in Ghana!

  Her students share these closing thoughts on what they will aim to do differently, having participated in Children Inspiring Hope: • To be very grateful and thankful all that I have today. • To help people all around the world • To not judge a book by its cover • To always think about other people.

IMG_5674 To say that Deb has gone above and beyond is an understatement. Deb gives us a legacy of kindness, creativity, going the extra mile, and the walk of a committed educator. A legacy we can all hope to create in educating and celebrating the creativity of our connectedness and community that stretches far beyond this gorgeous valley.

  As we head for Denver International Airport, our final flight of this school year, grey skies and mountains behind us, blue skies and sun before us, we wish all things glorious for Deb and Donna. Donna introduced us to RSES, and is also retiring after 20 years. May you embrace blue bird days with reflections and the warmth of knowing your career, and life well-lived, will continue to inspire and change the world for years to come. Akpe na mi!