Closing Celebrations

Saying goodbye is always bitter sweet, here. We watched Angel and Godfred (in their first weeks of school still under our new scholarship) stroll down the hill in the golden light for the last time.To watch the joy of children going to school, that have never been before, is a beautiful way to start any day.

At EP Primary Ho-Bankoe, we set our equipment for a slide show of the images captured in the last 4 weeks. Veronica's class opens with "Lean on Me". Class by class, giggles, smiles and cheers ring out across the room.  This is a rare treat to see all these images. There is a reverse papparazzi effect here- the kids always following the cameras. Serendipitously, we close with "What a Wonderful World" sung by the Leaders Group. What a truly wonderful world it is when children can connect in this way.

We attempted to say goodbye to Sokode-Bagble earlier this week, but were summoned to return on Friday for a proper send off- drumming and dancing. The kids change our of their uniforms into brightly colored fabrics, and take to the school yard barefoot. The entire school gathers, and at one point, is invited to dance. Joy abounds.

We celebrate our time together. Prayers and well wishes are spoken for a safe journey home, back to the United States and Canada. We give thanks for all the amazing work and heart of the children. Four weeks sure can fly when you are having fun!