Getting Into the Flow

See the beauty of the river, and see you need to keep seeing the wonder and teeming life of the river. -Jenna, Cliff Valley School

Colorful quilt patches begin the weaving of these classes- Cliff Valley School and EP Primary Sokode-Bagble- connecting together again. Tapestries of flowing waters, messages for protecting our waters and all the life that this sustains on planet Earth. An Earth Ball is being used in all of our opening circles to share the landscapes of our blue planet; thank you Kate. Songs flowed, one after another, from serenading KG kids in the sandy schoolyard before we depart. Jubilation and joy is flowing from many hearts as we simply share this time together, once again.

We begin to share with the EP JSS Leaders Paideia students’ collages and messages on water in the new computer lab at EP Primary. The students are excited to be in this space for the first time, especially since their school fees helped construct this last year, although they moved on and had not yet benefitted. We plan to share the PSA’s on the network of computers in the coming weeks, and also have these students create their own PSA’s on critical water issues in Ghana.

We are looking forward to staying in wonder as we continue to flow with these connections.