Hearts and Headlines

We wish for peace, food and happiness for children all over the world. - Molly, VMS 7th grader So much of what inspires us never makes a headline. It is the little things, especially when added cumulatively, that serve as a currency of their own in affirming our mission and the power of connecting children globally. Small acts of kindness which send loving ripples throughout our globe making subtle changes every day.

We completed our 16th exchange with classes in CO late January. When sharing a family meal with our long term partner teacher from Vail Mountain School, Kate Blakslee, her daughter offered the blessing quoted above. Poignant in heart and our focus this year- Paths to Peace, and now Food: Who Are Your Farmers? We were touched, too, by the synchronicity of letters shared earlier, in which one child got a letter from a child in Ghana whose mother has a franchise of the company her father owns! What are the chances? Actually, these things happen all the time, yet we never lose our sense of wonder for the magic and the heart connections they evoke.

We are so grateful for any support that comes toward supporting our mission, but when a child gives, we are touched even more.  A gift from a child is a true endorsement for our work and our impact on creating compassionate citizens of the world.  Oliver and Colin are two children who have recently made generous contributions in honor of the friends they've connected with, through our programming, overseas.

When Summit Charter School in Cashiers, North Carolina held a dress down day for Children Inspiring Hope last month, staff and students were encouraged to donate $1; Oliver, however, wanted to do more. He shared with his mother that morning, as he came down stairs, that he was emptying his piggy bank and giving $40 (all of the money that he had saved over the course of the last year) to CIH.  Oliver's mother was taken aback by the amount of money, but Oliver proudly explained that it was for children in need on the other side of the world.

Colin, now living in Seattle, chose CIH, for the second year in a row, as his charitable holiday contribution.  You can see Colin - and other inspired participants - sharing an aha moment about the power of connection and what privilege really means in our most recent video. If you missed it during the busy holiday season, take a few minutes now to hear directly from kids like Colin.

Lastly, Sarah Dancy's efforts did make headlines. We have been sharing her efforts in raising funds to support our girl scholarship recipients for a few months now. When we sent her thank you letters from the girls, which arrived around Christmas, Sarah Dancy said this was the best part of Christmas! It truly is more powerful to give than receive.

We are privileged to work with all the children we serve, and humbled by the reminder of the power of connecting kids globally.

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