Raindrops, Rivers and Rejoicing
Rejoicing was felt in each classroom this week as we began our full circle reconnections in Atlanta, Georgia. In opening circles, students shared of their wishes for Earth- especially since Earth Day is Friday, although Gibson in Mrs. Dimenstein’s class reminds us, “Earth day is everyday.” Everyday this week students expressed an array of wishes- that there would be no endangered animals, no pollution, clean oceans, vibrant life living in harmony, no bombs that hurt the land, more trees, more gardens, fresh air, a sustainable harmonious earth for future generations. Their love gently expressed in their hopes.
On rainclouds with raindrops, HIES students read messages from their friends at EP Primary Ho-Bankoe and Ziavi-Bamefedo sharing similar wishes, especially for the waters of the planet. Rivers of colorful fishes at HIES, and banners at Cliff Valley School of fields flowing into Rivers filled with messages to protect and clean the rivers so we all have water to drink. Quilt pieces from EP Primary Sokode-Bagble P6 each individually unique joined by the common thread of Earth sewardship.
The children love their connections to each other, and shared what each connection means to them. A HIES 4th grader shares, “Children Inspiring Hope is important to me because I love making the world a better place.” Another shares, “One connection is the world step by step being a better place." In surveys students completed this sentence- One connection can… make a difference, change the world, change the way you think about what is happening globally, go a long way, make a lifetime change in your life, change the way someone feels about the Earth, make you feel like family, go one for ever and never stop! Our hearts overflow with the hope these children are, and create. Step-by-step, connection by connection, each one making a difference in our world and for nature on Earth!