Filling Bowls Across The Globe

There is something so beautiful about watching an idea take shape and come to completion, especially when the impact is felt so far away. St. Andrew’s School Middle Learning Art teacher, Miki Duval, recommended in a wrap-up meeting at the close of last year, an Empty Bowl Dinner fundraising event. This fall, small hands in Art Club and the 7th grade, got to work making gorgeous bowls. We joined them several times to see the various steps, and watched blocks on clay turn into beautiful colorful bowls. IMG_5185IMG_5207

On October 17th, before a football game, families and faculty came together for a soup dinner, filling these beautiful handmade bowls with yummy nourishment provided by Thrive. The second graders baked gingerbread cookies, aided by parent Paula Haul of Rainy Day Bakery. Their artwork sent to P3 students in Ghana is posted behind the bowls.

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A percentage of the evenings event was dedicated to helping feed one of our scholarship recipients, Eryam. We purchased a bowl to send to her, along with the story of all the efforts students gave that will support her lunches this year. We took the chance of mailing it 6,000 miles away, in hopes that she could see the beauty, and also fill the bowl.

Eyram plate Here is Eryam, smiling with her bowl that miraculously made it in one piece. Kelvin shared with us she was grinning from ear-to-ear when she opened it and read the story. She wanted to run around the campus and share with everyone that she had a bowl all the way from America made for her!

  Woe le dodzi (Well done) Ms. Duval and SAS students. Akpe ka ka ka (Thank you very much). You are making a difference!

True beauty. Our hearts, and her bowl, are full.