
“It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.” ― Nicholas Sparks

Our 15th exchange is about to get underway in Ghana, West Africa. Our team will travel over the Atlantic Ocean, land on the Gulf of Guniea and travel over the Volta River before arriving to our destination. In the United States, we have been talking about Water for the last month and a half. Each school has been taking a deeper look at their local water issues, as well as the global ones, and then creating beautiful artwork with positive messages about water. Some students have even made pledges to be better stewards, outlining their own action steps in being a more responsible global citizens.

As we journey over land and sea, so many things can be learned from facilitating these conversations with the students, and bridging their ideas, creativity and hopes for a more sustainable world, green and blue. One second grader immediately offered $40 he has been saving to help toward a well. We are inspired, and we know there is more of that to come!

Power outages are still occurring regularly where we are headed. We are hopeful to up date a few times a week, and share more of what we are learning, and the power of connecting children globally. We look forward to sharing the journey with you again. Ghana, we are coming!